MCC Election Night: India

Győr+ Fotó: Ács Tamás
2024.06.06. 12:45

Angol nyelvű rendezvényre várják az érdeklődőket június 16-án az MCC Győri Képzési Központjába.

MCC Election Night: India

Date: 2024. June 16.   

Venue: MCC Győr (9021 Győr, Apor Vilmos püspök square 3.)

Language: English

Host: Dorina Bosits, student of MCC Győr


18.00 Opening 

Dávid Fekete, Head of MCC Győr


18.15 – 19.15 1. Panel: The Struggles of a Rapidly Developing Nation

Election circumstances and background of India


  • Ramachandra BYRAPPA, Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs
  • Eszter Lukács, Vice-President for International Affairs and Strategic Relations, SZE

Moderator: Laura Vas, student of MCC Győr

19.15 – 19.30 Break


19.30 – 20.30 2. Panel: Future of India – A Global Competition

Where India is heading on the international stage? 

  • Zsolt Trembeczki, Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs
  • Csaba Moldicz, Head of the School of International Relations, MCC

Moderator: Zsombor Lenti, student of MCC Győr

20.45 Dinner 

21.00 Deadline for Submitting the Quiz

21.15 Quiz Winner Announcement

22.00 Closing

We invite all those interested to attend the event.

Registration link:

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